25 October, 2023


HTTP Status

When to use which status code.

201CreatedWhen the entry was accepted and created.
202AcceptedWhen the request was accepted but not processed.
204No ContentWhen the entry was successfully updated.
400Bad RequestWhen the entry contains invalid values, see response body to get detailed messages.
401UnauthorizedWhen no valid token was provided.
403ForbiddenWhen more entries are requested than allowed.
404Not FoundWhen the entry was not found.
409ConflictWhen the entry contains values that are not allowed in domain logic.
422Unprocessable EntityWhen the entry contains invalid values, see response body to get detailed messages.
500Internal Server ErrorWhen an unexpected technical problem happened and the request cannot be processed.

Create Entry

This endpoint can be called by clients with Admin role to create a new entry.

URL: /api/clients

Method: POST

Auth required : YES

Body example:

  "client_id": "123456",
  "application_type": "public",
  "display_name": "Wisecards Android",
  "grant_types" : [ "password", "refresh_token" ]


201When the entry was accepted and created.
400When the request contains invalid values, see response body to get detailed messages.
401When no valid token was provided.
409When the entry contains values that are not allowed in domain logic.
422When the entry contains invalid values, see response body to get detailed messages.
500When an unexpected technical problem happened and the request cannot be processed.

Success Response

Condition: When the entry was accepted and created.

Code: 201 Created


Location: https://wisecards.tea.ch/api/clients/123456


  "client_id": "123456"

Error Responses

Condition: When the entry contains invalid values, see response body to get detailed messages.

Code: 400 Bad Request


  "errors": [
      "status": "400",
      "detail": "client_id is not valid"
      "status": "400",
      "detail": "client_secret is not valid"

Update Entry

This endpoint can be called by clients with Admin role.

URL: /api/clients/123456

Method: PATCH

Auth required : YES

Body example:

  "display_name": "Public Wisecards Client"

Response Summary

204When the entry was successfully updated.
400When the entry contains invalid values, see response body to get detailed messages.
401When no valid token was provided.
404When the entry contains values that are not allowed in domain logic.
500When an unexpected technical problem happened and the request cannot be processed.

Success Response

Condition: When the entry was successfully updated.

Code: 204 No Content

Error Responses

Condition: When the entry contains invalid values, see response body to get detailed messages.

Code: 400 Bad Request


  "errors": [
      "status": "400",
      "detail": "display_name is not valid"

Delete Entry

When status code 202 is returned, the entry can be undeleted. To undelete it see Undelete Entry.

URL: /api/clients/123456

Method: DELETE

Auth required : YES

Response Summary

200When the entry was successfully deleted.
202When the entry was queued to be deleted.
204When the entry was successfully deleted. No content is returned.
401When no valid token was provided.
404When the entry contains values that are not allowed in domain logic.
500When an unexpected technical problem happened and the request cannot be processed.

Undelete Entry

This is the same endpoint as the update. Updates with is_deleted other than false to an deleted will be rejected with status code 404.

URL: /api/clients/123456

Method: PATCH

Auth required : YES

Body example:

  "is_deleted": false

Response Summary

204When the entry was successfully undeleted.
400When the entry contains invalid values, see response body to get detailed messages.
401When no valid token was provided.
404When the entry contains values that are not allowed in domain logic.
500When an unexpected technical problem happened and the request cannot be processed.


Create a test-file test.http

@apivar1 = somevalue
@apibody = somecontent
GET https://tea.ch/api/something/{{apivar1}}/{{$guid}}
Accept: application/json
POST https://tea.ch/api/something/{{apivar1}}/{{$guid}}
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/xml
