2 February, 2022

Android Development Notes

Android Custom Views

Custom View Components https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/custom-components

DI with Hilt

After creating a project, setup Hilt https://developer.android.com/training/dependency-injection/hilt-android

In project's build.gradle:

buildscript {
    ext.hilt_version = "2.28-alpha"

    dependencies {

        classpath "com.google.dagger:hilt-android-gradle-plugin:$hilt_version"

In app's build.gradle:

plugins {
    id 'kotlin-kapt'
    id 'dagger.hilt.android.plugin'


dependencies {
    implementation "com.google.dagger:hilt-android:$hilt_version"
    kapt "com.google.dagger:hilt-android-compiler:$hilt_version"



Persistence with Room

@MapInfo(valueColumn = "songCount")
       SELECT *, COUNT(mSongId) as songCount
       FROM Artist JOIN Song ON Artist.artistName = Song.artist
       GROUP BY artistName
fun getArtistAndSongCounts(): Map<Artist, Integer>

Theme and Styles

https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/look-and-feel/themes https://medium.com/androiddevelopers/android-styling-themes-vs-styles-ebe05f917578

Configure build variants


Anonymous Listener

Using SAM Single Abstract Method interfaces, creating implementation is realy easy with kotlin when you have an Java interface. Here I'm only interested in position value:

private val itemClickListener = OnItemClickListener { _, _, position, _ ->
  // do the onItemClick thing

But when you have a Kotlin interface it's getting verbose. The situtation is inconsistent, looks like Kotlin is still incomplete. Create an anonymoys object then override the single function:

interface OnPositiveClickListener {
  fun doPositiveClick(id: Long)

private val itemClickListener = object : OnPositiveClickListener {
  override fun doPositiveClick(id: Long) {
    // do the doPositiveClick thing

For simplicity, use a workaround and declare the interface in Java instead of Kotlin:

// in .java file
public interface OnPositiveClickListener {
  void doPositiveClick(long id);

// in .kt kotlin
private val itemClickListener = OnPositiveClickListener {
  // do the doPositiveClick thing

Or don't use an inferface, use a functional interface instead:

fun interface OnPositiveClickListener {
  fun doPositiveClick(id: Long)

// in .kt kotlin
private val itemClickListener = OnPositiveClickListener {
  // do the doPositiveClick thing


Use suspend functions for long running work they can be called within a Coroutine.

suspend fun longRunning() = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {


Block the current thread and start a new Coroutine. Use this in tests:

fun longRunning() = runBlocking {
  withContext(Dispatchers.Default) {


Save File

I had (forced) to change the save-deck-activity for the latest update to use the system file picker instead. The official android documentation is still using deprecated startActivityForResult.

Create a starter:

  private var pickSaveFileStarter = registerForActivityResult(
    ActivityResultContracts.StartActivityForResult()) { result ->
    if (result.resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) {
      result.data?.also { onSaveFile(it) }

Start the pick-file process:

  private fun openPickSaveFileActivity(deckId: Long) {
    sourceDeckId = deckId
    pickSaveFileStarter.launch(Intent(Intent.ACTION_CREATE_DOCUMENT).apply {
      type = "application/tcd"
      putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TITLE, "deck.tcd")

      // Optionally, specify a URI for the directory that should be opened in
      // the system file picker before your app creates the document.
      //putExtra(DocumentsContract.EXTRA_INITIAL_URI, pickerInitialUri)


  private fun onSaveFile(uri: Intent) {
    requireActivity().startService(Intent(activity, CardsService::class.java).apply {
      putExtra(EXTRA_DECK_ID, sourceDeckId)
      putExtra(EXTRA_FILE, uri)


How to inject dependencies into a Room migration. https://blog.termian.dev/posts/room-on-upgrade/